
What Is Topic Clustering in SEO?

Topic clustering in SEO helps boost page authority and improves Google ranking. This strategy enhances content organization and relevance.
nda blog seo cluster

Topic clusters show that Google has relevant and vital information regarding various topics. You name it and get all kinds of write-ups (blogs, articles, social media content, advertisements, press releases) regarding that topic.

Google no longer looks for only keywords while determining the page’s rank. It also looks for the synonyms of the keywords, their subtopics, and answers to common questions which pop up in users’ minds about your industry.

Topic clustering is the answer to showing Google that your web pages are relevant to particular keywords and are more authoritative than your competitors.

What is Topic Clustering?

Topic clustering is a group of topics centered around a theme of content on a particular website. It explores issues in various nuances, details, and specifications. The topic cluster is built around a pillar topic that is broader in a sense.

For example, if we are talking about digital marketing: Web development is a pillar page, and blog articles written under this category are said to be topic clustering of the web development category.

Another example is if your company provides cloud computing services, then topic clustering may look like this –Blogs on Cloud Computing Services.

Why are people embracing the topic clustering strategy?

Well, one of the reasons is to increase the page authority, thereby increasing domain authority. This helps achieve the ultimate goal – ranking the page to the top on Google.

Now that it is clear what topic clustering is let us see how topic clusters can be created:

How to Create Topic Clusters?

Build Various Pillar Pages

The first step to topic clustering is to decide on the pillar topics. There can be several pillar pages, which are also known as core topics. Once you are agreed on core topics, you can use the topic clustering strategy to make the calendar. Once the pillar page is created, the cluster of the topic can be broken down into several categories, which can enhance the cluster topic.  

If it is becoming stiff for you to develop topic clustering ideas, the team must brainstorm with experts. Sometimes, it could be too much, but to simplify the process, here are a few tips:

  • Write the ideas and prioritize them
  • Gather everyone’s thoughts and select a few through the elimination process.
  • Creating supporting topics
  • Take help from reference websites like Google or Pinterest
  • Abandon everything for a while and start again. Inspiration can strike from anywhere.


Autocomplete on search engines is also the best way to gather topic clustering ideas. Why work hard when Google can do it for you? It is not advisable to rely on Google entirely, but you can always take help from it. Google will show which topics revolve around your topic cluster, and it will also help you create the pillar pages.

Autocomplete has thousands of seconds, yet many digital marketers often overlook it. For example, if you type, “The best digital…” google will complete the rest of the query. Post that, you simply have to click the correct option presented to you, and you will land on the page you want to.

Since 2004, autocomplete has been working actively with desktops, whereas it has been even more helpful with mobiles. Thus, while thinking about creating content for the clustered topic, autocomplete comes in handy with generating titles and content. Hence, it will come to your rescue when you are stuck with what to write the blog about or what meme is trending.

Use Keyword Tool

The topic clustering strategy takes work to execute. The pressure of creating content might take a toll on you. But the keyword tool will make it easier to find the correct keywords to carry out the clustering strategy. It will help you segregate the relevant topics from the ones that aren’t. Your cluster content doesn’t need a higher search volume because finding and betting on such keywords are tough. But they should still be meaningful enough to drive traffic to your site.

You can turn this to your advantage, and once the less voluminous keywords you have put your money on gain keyword rankings, Google will start to see your brand as an authority in the larger topic area. And over time, Google will begin to promote the pillar pages in your industry.

Internal Links

One of the most significant advantages of topic clustering is that you can link the internal pages to the blog. They are the ones that hold pillar topics and cluster content together. The internal linking structure helps Google understand how relevant content clustering is, the relationship of the linked page to the blog, and how vital the linked page is. It will be effective if the link of pages is used more in the clustered topic.

Also, it would be best if you remembered that while linking the internal page, pillar content must remain on the top of the hierarchy. Google is interested in the pillar page, but if it is not worth ranking, Google will back down. Thus, linking pillar pages to content is the top priority of any topic clustering content. One of the things you need to remember is that cluster content should connect back to the relevant pillar page rather than the wrong one.

Review the Titles

Title affects everything, and it can either sail the ship or drown. There are specific rules for deciding what title to give to the content and how to use keywords to enhance the blog tactfully. Also, if the content is in images, videos, or audio format, it is necessary to caption it so that its title should have relevance.

The hardest is to title the audio content. Along with the title, its formatting should also be taken care of. Various title generator tools can be used to generate fantastic and effective tags. Some of those are Hubspot, Wix, Zyro, etc. If you are stuck with how to create your written content’s title, you can use these platforms’ help. They are reliable.


Topic Clustering is becoming an essential part of game-changing SEO trends to strategize content. If you have topic clustering on your website, it increases credibility, and Google finds it easier to rank web pages on Google. Many brands hire top content writing service companies to cluster various website topics without fearing duplicity and plagiarism. 

If you’re considering starting an SEO strategy or establishing your company as a significant player in your market, it’s time to partner with New Discovery. By combining our extensive narrative expertise with the latest technologies, we can ensure that your company stays at the top. Contact us right now to get started!