
New Discovery Agency: Celebrating 10 Years of Industry Digitization Success

Every step we have taken, every challenge we have overcome, has been possible because of your trust and loyalty - this exciting journey would not have been the same without you!
Identity,Adaptable company,Creative company,Innovative company,Tenth anniversary,Revolutionary agency,Digital communication strategies,Immersive experiences,Industry benchmark,Creative solutions,Tour,Highlights,Decade of success

Looking back and contemplating the footprints we have left along the way is genuinely astounding. What seemed like a leap of faith ten years ago, a bold attempt to spread our wings and soar through a landscape filled with monumental changes has evolved into the catharsis that defines our identity today as a resilient, creative, and innovative company.

This month, we are excited as New Discovery Agency celebrates its tenth anniversary as a revolutionary agency in digital communication strategies and immersive experiences. Over the past decade, we have dedicated tireless efforts to become a benchmark in the industry, offering creative solutions to our valued clients.

We invite you to join us on this thrilling journey through the highlights we have experienced throughout this decade of success.

Before the Official Foundation: Our Need to Create

Before the official foundation of New Discovery Agency on July 4, 2013Jonalex Herrera, one of the co-founders, shared how his longing for creative freedom led him to make one of the most significant bets of his life.

After resigning from a managerial position with a few months’ savings in his pocket, Jonalex ventured into the uncertain world of freelance work as a web developer. In a short time, he secured solid projects that provided him with invaluable experiences. These insights laid the solid foundations upon which our agency would be built.

New Discovery Corp: Our First Steps in the Face of Adversity

In a sea of experience and recognition gained from various companies in the city, Jonalex, and Liz Pasillas felt confident that the time had come to embark on a new path and dive into unknown waters. However, after experiencing the bitter reality of downsizing at the production company where they worked, the spark of inspiration that gave birth to New Discovery Corp in 2013, a good production house in such a competitive market as the United States, emerged. At that precise moment, their determination strengthened, and great ideas began to take shape, transforming into projects of great value.

Although New Discovery Corp was born as a production house specializing in short films and documentaries, we quickly began to explore unconventional formats, such as 360° videos, opening new frontiers in our industry.

By 2016, we already had a series of established projects, including collaborations with renowned companies like Vix, who allowed us to work on campaigns for Disney and Target. However, aware of the need to stand out, we broadened our horizons and ventured into immersive experiences such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360° videos. Through this journey, our “80s Mashup” content, created in collaboration with Bash Music & Sound, was selected as “Best of 360” on the VR channel on YouTube, establishing us as leaders in integrating these cutting-edge technologies.

Nevertheless, we knew that the market for production houses was saturated in cities like Miami. We knew we had to diversify to continue growing and achieve our goals based on the knowledge acquired over the years. Between 2016 and 2017, we continued exploring immersive technologies. We were accepted into two business accelerators: “Create” at The IDEA Center at Miami Dade College and WINLab Miami at Babson College—two incubators that allowed us to validate our value proposition in this new direction.

During a visit to Ciudad Juárez, seeing the market saturation in Miami as a significant challenge, we saw a business opportunity and the possibility to innovate with the acquired knowledge. In December 2018, we decided to relocate to Ciudad Juárez, a city that had been Jonalex’s home for many years and where Liz Pasillas was born and lived for a significant part of her life.

Ciudad Juárez, a place where industry and innovation converge in constant dynamism, offered us a potential we could not ignore. With this in mind, we set out to define specific business units to address the needs of our future clients comprehensively. This gave rise to New Discovery MediaNew Discovery Tech, and New Discovery Film—three independent pillars that, when combined, produced outstanding results in their respective areas.

Our vision extended beyond audiovisual production; we understood that many clients needed support in their marketing processes. Therefore, we decided to incorporate comprehensive Digital Marketing services into our offering. This global vision of what we could provide to our partners allowed us to develop one of our main distinctive features: leadership in organic positioning (SEO), branding, web development, and design. Thanks to this, we became a preferred choice for those seeking a comprehensive solution in the competitive digital world.


New Discovery Tech: Our Bet on Innovation and Technology

When our Tech unit took its first steps, we never imagined how far it would go. It began to take off almost a year after its launch, and the promising future we had anticipated was about to become a tangible reality. In our efforts to promote what has become a key element in training programs and customer interaction, companies from various industries began to recognize the enormous potential of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

Thanks to this growing demand, New Discovery Tech embarked on significant projects across various sectors. In the medical industry, we collaborated with Johnson & Johnson to create immersive experiences that revolutionized how healthcare professionals interact with technological advancements. Our VR and AR solutions allowed doctors and specialists to immerse themselves in a virtual world where they could explore new procedures, practice surgical techniques, and enhance their knowledge in a safe and controlled environment.

But we didn’t stop there. The real estate industry also benefited from our technological vision. Enalte Desarrollos trusted us to create immersive virtual tours allowing potential buyers to explore properties from their homes. With our assistance, Enalte Desarrollos could realistically and captivatingly showcase architectural details, interior design, and outdoor spaces, providing customers with an interactive and engaging experience that brought them closer to their future homes before making any decisions.

These are just a few notable examples of how New Discovery Tech has impacted the industry. Our passion for innovation and technology drives us to continue exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We continue to lead the way in integrating virtual and augmented reality in various fields, offering creative and customized solutions that transform how businesses connect with their target audience.

What Have We Been Involved in Lately?

Identity,Adaptable company,Creative company,Innovative company,Tenth anniversary,Revolutionary agency,Digital communication strategies,Immersive experiences,Industry benchmark,Creative solutions,Tour,Highlights,Decade of success

The Promise

We have developed a virtual reality documentary experience that puts the viewer in the perspective of the first individuals who successfully traveled from Cuba to Miami in a risky journey as refugees. It is a powerful combination of audiovisual memories from real refugees and migrants. “The Promise” raises questions about empathy and invites the viewer to reflect on the meaning of leaving everything behind in search of new opportunities.

Johnson & Johnson

New Discovery Agency is recognized and highly regarded by the Bio Webster Inc. team in Ciudad Juarez for contributing to immersive experience integration. Our involvement manifested in creating 16 immersive simulations specifically designed for training purposes. These innovative technological tools have revolutionized how people acquire knowledge and skills, providing engaging and realistic experiences that enhance learning.

Ruta Norte

At New Discovery Agency, our ongoing pursuit of adopting cutting-edge technologies in all areas of human life, along with our innate need to tell impactful stories, led us to develop a truly unique project: Ruta Norte. This virtual reality experience combines the capabilities of our Media, Film, and Tech units to communicate the arduous journey involved in migration through the deserts between Mexico and the United States strikingly.

Ruta Norte was made possible thanks to the support of the Eka Naweame 2020 program, an initiative by the state of Chihuahua dedicated to promoting culture. This support has been crucial in carrying out this project, which aims to raise awareness and empathy for the problematic reality migrants face in their search for a better life. Through exceptional storytelling techniques, we transport viewers on this perilous journey, showing them the hopes, challenges, and stories of those who struggle to cross borders in search of a brighter future.

Juárez Aumentada

Encouraged by the gratifying experience of Eka Naweame in 2022, we decided to participate again with our flagship project: Juárez Aumentada. This exciting augmented reality platform aims to digitize the history of Ciudad Juárez, the place that has been the birthplace of many of our ideas and where they have come to life.

Not familiar with Juárez Aumentada yet? We invite you to explore more about this fascinating project by clicking here. Through AR technology, you will soon be able to immerse yourself in a world where the past merges with the present. You will discover the rich history of Ciudad Juárez through interactive and visually stunning experiences. From the historical events that shaped the city’s identity to cultural landmarks and notable figures, Juárez Aumentada offers a new way to connect with this community’s legacy and vibrant spirit.

Identity,Adaptable company,Creative company,Innovative company,Tenth anniversary,Revolutionary agency,Digital communication strategies,Immersive experiences,Industry benchmark,Creative solutions,Tour,Highlights,Decade of success

The Growth of NDA: Recognitions and Collaborations

Throughout the years, we have brought to life projects that fill us with pride and have undergone a profound transformation. New Discovery Agency has reached new heights with a new image that reflects our essence and an exceptional team of collaborators who put their hearts into each business unit.

From the beginning, we have embarked on a proactive path, immersed in events, fairs, and business growth programs because we understand that the balance between creativity, technology, and networking is crucial for our continuous development. We have made this our pillar of success.

Join Us for Another Decade of Creativity and Innovation!

These were just some highlights from our first ten years as New Discovery Agency!

We are proud of everything we have accomplished. We thank our clients, collaborators, and followers for supporting this exciting journey.

With great enthusiasm, we look forward to continuing to innovate and create high-value content!