“You are traveling through another dimension. A dimension, not only visual and auditory but also mental.
A journey to a wondrous land whose limits are those of the imagination. Next stop, The Twilight Zone!”
Sentenced one of the most iconic phrases of Twilight Zone, Steven Spielberg’s film released in 1983.
40 years later, the Twilight Zone is becoming more and more accessible to the majority of the population, and the inclusion of immersive technologies is a reality today in the manufacturing industry and different commercial sectors.
Goldman Sachs’s analysis estimates that by 2025 the global business market for immersive technologies will reach a value of 110 billion dollars.
What are the benefits of immersive technologies for business?
In the last decade, markets have gradually transformed, digitizing their practices and adopting the benefits provided by technology; both for entrepreneurs in charge of SMEs and transnational companies or companies with several years in the market, the adoption of augmented reality, and virtual reality has become an essential market opportunity.
Operational, production, sales, and marketing strategies are developing along the lines of innovative advances: immersive technologies in business create new training techniques for new employees, and improve safety, health, and organizational culture.
Virtual reality and augmented reality are reinventing and innovating the experiences of potential employees, customers, and buyers.
It is increasingly noticeable how the use of applications developed with immersive technologies is gaining power. So great is their future potential that companies such as Facebook and Apple are investing heavily in this field.
Some devices created by companies such as the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive and Sony’s Playstation have integrated virtual reality and other immersive applications in the development of their products, which makes users and creators think that this is the next big step in technologies for the future.
The immersive technologies that developers dreamed of are now a reality.
Immersive technologies used in 3D gaming, virtual reality, and augmented reality will allow people to be transported into a socially enriched digital world.
Those applications that started being used merely for virtual games and entertainment, today help us to perform activities remotely, including those related to different commercial and industrial sectors such as medical, real estate, and manufacturing.
One of the most widely used immersive technologies today is augmented reality, also known as AR, and its development has been impressive and potentialized in less than a century.
Another example that arose in this era in which globally we saw the need to belong socially isolated, was that many schools, such as universities and high schools, saw the need to implement distance tours using 3D and other technologies so that potential students could know their facilities.
The uses of augmented reality and virtual reality in everything from engineering to the construction sector.
For example, Enalte Desarrollos uses virtual reality in its business to show different properties that are for sale and used an AR application to show house lots so people could see what features influenced their purchase.
New Discovery Tech developed both innovative technologies with what they can now say have helped “revolutionize how we visualize our homes”.
The development of augmented reality has been possible because of the potential it offers to all industries.
Immersive technologies in today’s business and commercial areas.
This type of implementation let us know the scope to which we will have access digitally in the future, as it is a different way to present our products and services in a more real way to potential customers.
Currently, these services are being implemented in some sales strategies including the use of AR and virtual reality for a potential buyer to know a product or service from anywhere in the world.
Among the industries that are using immersive technologies for their services and products are archeology, art, architecture, festivals, different stores and offices, construction, industrial design, education, medical sectors, tourism, and entertainment, among others.
These sectors apply the development of these advances to create a better experience for a likely user or consumer.
With large, reputable, and successful companies developing products and using all these immersive technologies, it is important for most industrial businesses, such as manufacturing, that through 3D, virtual reality, and augmented reality applications, they create better experiences and interactions with potential consumers to promote their brand and increase interaction with their products.
New Discovery TECH dedicates the efforts of its team to provide solutions, with immersive technologies, such as AR and VR, to the industrial sector to which your company belongs.
Contact us and break the limits of reality!